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Roses Bouquet

Roses Flower Arrangements

The most typical representation of roses flower are romance and love. But there are also other things that roses speak of, it is confidentiality or secrecy.

We are a flower shop that deliver fresh roses flower bouquet and other kind of arrangements in manila, makati and quezon city. Send roses to your love-ones in Philippines now! With our Same Day Delivery, your roses will be delivered on time!

Roses Bouquet

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Flower delivery-Azure Blossoms

Azure Blossoms


A six pieces..

Leonie Ecuadorian Red - Ecuadorian Roses Delivery by LaRosa Flower Shop Quezon City

Leonie Ecuadorian Red


A two dozen ..

24 Blue Roses - Father's Day Flower Delivery by LaRosa Flower Shop Quezon City

24 Blue Roses


24 imported ..

Filled with Love - Roses Delivery by LaRosa Flower Shop Quezon City

Filled with Love


24 pieces of..

flower delivery - rosemary- two tone pink roses



  A six..

Inspiring - Roses Bouquet by LaRosa Flower Shop Quezon City



12 pieces Re..

Perfect White - Roses Delivery by LaRosa Flower Shop Quezon City

Perfect White


One dozen im..

12 Blue Bouquet - Father's Day Flower Delivery by LaRosa Flower Shop Quezon City

12 Blue Roses


12 pieces im..

Showing 1 to 8 of 8 (1 Pages)