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Lilies Bouquet

Send a bouquet of lilies to your love ones in Makati, Quezon City and Manila who you’d like to express your love and purity with. There is no doubt that lily flowers are so beautiful. Pink, orange, and yellow are just a few of the colors that lily flowers can be found in. We deliver a flower arrangement of lily every color possible.

Lilies Bouquet
Felicity - Lilies Delivery by LaRosa Flower Shop Quezon City



A sophistica..

Sylvia - Lilies Delivery by LaRosa Flower Shop Quezon City



White and Go..

6 Stargazers Glass Vase - Flowers in a Vase Delivery by LaRosa Flower Shop Quezon City

6 stargazers Glass Vase


6 stargazers..

Salve - Lilies Delivery by LaRosa Flower Shop Quezon City



A bouquet of..

Emma - Lilies Delivery by LaRosa Flower Shop Quezon City



A bouquet of..

Great Love - Lilies Delivery by LaRosa Flower Shop Quezon City

Great Love


4 stargazers..

Stella - Affordable Flower Delivery in Quezon City



A bouquet of..

White Lily - Lilies Delivery by LaRosa Flower Shop Quezon City

White Lily


4 stems casa..

Showing 1 to 8 of 8 (1 Pages)